Tomato and leek clam soup
あさり 160g
トマト 1個
にら 1/2束
にんにく 1片
コンソメスープ 300cc
オリーブ油 大さじ2
酒 大さじ1
こしょう 適量
[Material] 2 servings
Clams 160g
1 tomato 1/2
bunch of leek 1 garlic clove
Consomme soup 300cc
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tablespoon of sake
[How to make]
① Soak the clams in salt water to remove sand and wash.
② Cut tomatoes into 1.5 cm pieces, cut into 3 cm pieces of leek, and chop garlic.
③ Put olive oil and garlic in a pan and heat over medium heat. When the scent of garlic rises, add clams and fry, sprinkle with sake and cover the pan.
④ When the shell opens, add tomatoes and fry lightly, then add consommé soup and leek and boil for a while.
⑤ Put in a bowl and shake the pepper.